Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sweet Corn and Strawberry Jalapeño Salsa

I am a big weenie when it comes to spicy food. The summer I spent in Mexico was culinary torture and ecstasy in every bite of every meal I consumed there. Sometimes even regular black pepper is too hot for me. Like I said, a big weenie.

That being said, I have grown a recent crush on jalapeños. I have learned to cut them in a way that removes the veins and seeds so I get the delicious jalapeño flavor without too much of the famous jalapeño kick. If you are a weenie like me, remove the vein and all seeds and you, too, might also be able to enjoy this yummy snack.

WhenI am hungry but it isn't quite time for a meal yet, I love to make snacks that are easy, delicious and celebrate just a few ingredients at a time. That way I can start eating sooner and I don't need to rely on bags of chips or microwaveable things to satisfy my hunger. 
This recipe fits perfectly into my schedule because it takes 5 minutes to prepare and it can work as a salsa, a salad, or as a garnish for fish, chicken or pork! It is sweet, salty, crisp, crunchy, bright and is certainly a healthier alternative to jarred store-bought salsa! 

2 small jalapeño peppers, diced 
5 fresh strawberries, diced
2 tablespoons diced red onion 
1 cup sweet corn (freshly cooked or thawed) 
juice from 1/2 lime 
salt and pepper to taste 

Method: Mix all above ingredients in a bowl and serve immediately! 

Need another idea? Here is the same recipe but served over fresh shrimp and a bed of roasted brussels sprouts. Mmm....


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